Case History:
Dana Canada Corporation
Cambridge, Ontario
Dana Canada needed a supplier with a longstanding expertise in the manufacture and installation of clean rooms to install a 3,000 square foot clean room in an existing facility.
Solution: As a specialist in providing modular Clean Room structures, ProPart Modular is easily able to meet ISO Class 7, which requires that all joints and edges of materials be positively sealed. Our patented System 40™ non-shedding batten less walls and ceilings have a single vertical joint line. As a result, our structures are absolutely airtight.
Dana Canada recognized that modular structure systems have proven themselves to be the most cost-effective way to install clean rooms that are to be included in an existing building. In fact, modular structure solutions offer many benefits to owners and builders who include them in their original fixed building design because of their flexibility in allowing almost endless expansion when change is required.
ProPart Modular manufactures System 40™ and is able to customize installations to meet any specific requirements. We have the experience to offer workable ideas and the technical background to turn those ideas into cost effective solutions.
To request a quotation on how your next building project might benefit by using our unique line of modular space solutions, please feel free to contact us directly at