Case History Example: University of Toronto
Mississauga, Ontario
A standard off-the-shelf hazardous material containment building would not fill the bill so ProPart Modular was approached by a local University to design a custom heavy-duty enclosure.
After careful consultation and analysis a design was arrived at that could safely and securely store the materials generated by this client. ProPart Modular proceeded to construct a one-piece enclosure, 13’ wide x 30’ long, that could easily be shipped by truck to the jobsite and offloaded without the use of a crane. A base platform comprised of ‘I’ beams, ‘C’ channels and checkerplate was fabricated in our certified weld shop. This base was designed to safely support all goods stored within the enclosure and still be transportable.
All materials used in the construction of the containment building were non-combustible. Incorporated into the roof and walls assemblies were a total of (9) explosion relief panels. In the event of ignition and subsequent explosion of the stored substances, the building was designed to remain intact with only specific panels releasing due to the internal pressure generated. Since the substances stored were potentially volatile, all electrical within this enclosure was rated for use in such environments.
In just under four (4) weeks ProPart Modular was able to take an idea and make it a reality. With each project we improve and develop our product offering with an exacting attention to detail. With custom applications we do the work that others can’t. Flexibility and convenience makes all ProPart Modular product offerings the ideal space management choice.
To request a quotation on how your next building project might benefit by using our unique line of modular space solutions, please feel free to contact us directly at