Case History Example: Glenoak Bossman Inc.
Mississauga, Ontario
Glenoak Bossman had been in their new warehouse facility for only a year when they ran out of office space. ProPart Modular designed a 25’x 25′ inplant office area to accomodate operations personel. Just before construction began, it was realized that additional space would be required for the growing purchasing department.
It took just three weeks, from the time the order was placed at ProPart Modular, to the completion of the two-story mezzanine in-plant office structure. And that included a change of plans halfway through, to double-up on the original one-story structure.
“It was painless and we are very happy with the results,” said Ed Lupichuk, distribution and warehouse manager at Glenoak Inc. Bossman’s warehouse operation. ProPart Modular’s new structure has provided an extra 1,250-sq. ft. of office space to house seven people, and includes three private offices. Both floors have air conditioning units. The top floor is carpeted while the lower floor is vinyl-tiled to cope with the heavier traffic load.
“Mezzanine structures make sense as they convert wasted space into productive office space,” said Danny Thornhill, in charge of special projects at ProPart Modular.
The structure is completely demountable. If the company moves, the in-plant office can move with them. ProPart’s System 40™ structures assemble faster and cleaner than conventional construction. This translates into less mess and downtime, and quicker project turnaround for less business interruption.
Useful Office Area From Wasted Air Space
A two-story application from ProPart Modular is the perfect way to save valuable floor space while accommodating increased personnel or materials. We incorporate structural steel mezzanines within our partition system to allow an office upstairs and storage space below or virtually any set up you envision. Wall components assemble quickly without mechanical fasteners, making relocation or modification simple. Mezzanine offices are available with the full range of features offered in other System 40™ offices. Your choice of durable steel or low maintenance vinyl panels, a wide variety of window and door selections, full electrical packages and sound and temperature control options are tailored to your specific needs.
To request a quotation on how your next building project might benefit by using our unique line of modular space solutions, please feel free to contact us directly at