Case History Example: Canada Wire,
Fergus, Ontario
The Project Engineer at Canada Wire required immediate additional office space in their Fergus plant. An expansion of an existing inplant office area was considered, but floor space in the manufacturing area was limited and relocating equipment was not a practical option given the tight schedule. The only direction to expand was up but the plant ceiling was relatively low, with less than 8 ft. between the existing office structure and the roof joists.
A low profile steel mezzanine was constructed to straddle the existing inplant office. The new elevated office area was designed to fully utilize the tight space available – the partitions extended to the underside of the existing roof with cutouts to accomodate the interfering roof joists and window profiles were adjusted to avoid obstruction by roof joists and afford maximum visibility of the plant floor.
A two-story application from ProPart Modular is the perfect way to save valuable floor space while accommodating increased personnel or materials. We incorporate structural steel mezzanines within our partition system to allow an office upstairs and storage space below or virtually any set up you envision. Wall components assemble quickly without mechanical fasteners, making relocation or modification simple. Mezzanine offices are available with the full range of features offered in other System 40™ offices. Your choice of durable steel or low maintenance vinyl panels, a wide variety of window and door selections, full electrical packages and sound and temperature control options are tailored to your specific needs.
Space Problem Solved
Turn your unused air space into valuable floor space, it costs a fraction of what a new building or expansion would. Whether you require a standard off-the-shelf or customized structure, regardless of shape, size, height or existing building conditions, our CAD design team will provide you with the assistance, you need to ensure your loading specifications are met, we also offer a number of floor surface finish options to choose from. Combine these mezzanines with our other building product lines and you can achieve multi-level building structures for any storage/office combination that you envision.
To request a quotation on how your next building project might benefit by using our unique line of modular space solutions, please feel free to contact us directly at