Manufactured in Canada over 40 Years

Burnac’s System 40™ Two-Storey In Plant Mezzanine Offices At The Ontario Food Terminal

ProPart Modular > News2 > Burnac’s System 40™ Two-Storey In Plant Mezzanine Offices At The Ontario Food Terminal

System 40Long time client Burnac Corporation needed to upgrade their existing operations facility located in the Ontario Food Terminal. They needed a new order entry office, a purchasing office, a cashier’s office and even a client lounge. With minimal space available, Provincial Partitions suggested a variety of SYSTEM 40™ two-story mezzanines. Even with the pre-existing low ceiling height Provincial Partitions design team and engineers provided a solution that not only met the Ontario Building Code, but surpassed Burnac Corporations expectations as well!


burnac_2At first glance it didn’t appear there was enough ceiling height to accommodate a 2-story installation, but knowing the flexibility of the System 40™ it was a relatively straightforward solution. Some of the components needed to be customized, and load tolerances were accounted for by using our stock steel mezzanine structures throughout. The original installation was for Burnac’s Provincial Fruits division located at the Ontario Food Terminal. Burnac’s Director of Construction Emad Pasha was so impressed with the initial project that a similar installation was purchased for another one of their divisions at the same location.

Additionally, because System 40™ assembles faster and cleaner than conventional construction, it meant less mess and downtime. The drywall dust associated with conventional construction would not have been an option in this food terminal. This accounted for a much quicker project turnaround time and less business interruption for Burnac’s produce business. In fact, business went on as usual throughout the installation.

burnacProvincial Fruit Co. Ltd. has grown from a one-man trucking company to a multi-million dollar, fresh produce operation and is presently located at the Ontario Food Terminal in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Today, this food distribution company has developed into a new state-of-the-art produce distribution centre known as Burnac Produce Limited. This company accounts for 40% of the sales of Burnac’s wholesale produce operations.To learn more about Burnac products and services visit their website here.

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